Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Snoring & Home Remedies For It

Hello again. 

I wanted my first actual post to be something a bit more domestic than what this one is about. Didn't want to "open" on something that contains a lot of information. So I am going to discuss this in a minimal way, while still giving useful information regarding....none other than..... *drum roll pleeeeaaassse*...


There are several reasons that snoring, and remedies to help snoring, are a hot topic of conversation for me. 

No, I am not obsessed with the nasal passages, or the throat hole. I am not that interested honestly, but over the last couple of years, I have had to learn a thing or two. 

My dear Husband, T, suffers from snoring. On what I would consider a 'normal' night, his snoring isn't very bad, and I am mainly able to just sleep through it. (Although a nice little kick or elbow could help..no, no! ahahaha) 

My dear Husband, T, has also recently taken on the journey of quitting smoking. YAY! This is a BIG praise! To T, and to answered prayers from God. 

However, because of his 'quitting', he is clearing out about 17 years worth of smoking from his lungs. Yes, SEVENTEEN years. Wow. Which means he is coughing, hacking, sometimes waking himself up; and of course....snoring.

I can sleep through the coughing. Or I will get him some water, help him if he needs something. Sleeping through coughing just isn't hard for me. As it isn't consistent the way snoring is. Seriously though, with each and every breath, snoring takes away my sleep.

So, in light of my Husband's even louder snoring (because of the whole throat adjusting to non-smoker life, and lungs clearing out ick) I have decided that there has to be something more we/I can do. 

First, I would like to direct you to a video by the main herbalist, Susun Weed, I like to learn from. I have not been able to attend any of her real-life teachings or classes (as she is all the way on the East coast), but I have been able to learn quite a bit from her videos. I am able to take what she says, and do more research to make my decisions and gain my knowledge. Here is a video of hers (an older one) that I was happy to see again!

After seeing this, I decided that getting some Red Clover and making an infusion (which is something I personally love to do with herbs) for my Husband, T, to drink, it may aide in his heal time. Even if it isn't a cure, or instant fix all, it will be able to give some relief, and hopefully less snoring. 

Next, I would like to direct you to another video by Susun Weed, that talks about Mullein leaf. It is really a powerfully medicinal plant and the healing properties are fabulous. This is also something I will be retaining for my Husband's lung health. Unfortunately I do not grow Red Clover, nor Mullein plants...so I have to get mine from an herb store.

Both are great herbs to have on hand for lung health.

One of the non-herbal things that we do is have T sleep on his side. Snoring is reduced to a lower tone, and less frequently when on the side. This way your throat doesn't relax back onto the adenoids and restrict the air way. I also always put his arms down if I catch them up over his head. This way there isn't added tension onto the lungs and chest area. 

We also use the Breathe Right Extra Strength nose strips.

While these do not stop or eliminate snoring, they do help. Quite a bit. I attribute many good nights of sleep to these here strips! We always buy the extra strength. T says that he can feel a difference in his breathing when he is wearing one of those strips. I notice that his breathing seems deeper, and his breaths more 'fulfilling' for lack of better word. 

We definitely keep this little modern day convenience around the house! 

One of the last things that we do is make sure that T has only one pillow. Not a huge puffy pillow, but not a flat and thing pillow either. Just a regular "sort of used" pillow. This way it keeps his neck much more even with the rest of his spine/body.

So that is about it for now on the snoring. I am not giving any medical advice, this is simply what we are doing to help, without have to go through surgeries, or take prescriptions with ill side effects. 

Here is to happy sleeping, and happy snore-free breathing!

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