Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Beauty Recipe: Exfoliating Shave Oil

Hello folks!!!

This here jar, is filled with a fabulous concoction!

Whilst perusing the internet, I ran across a "homemade" shave oil of sorts. So I decided since I had a forest growing on my legs, this would be a good time to try it out.


1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil (I suppose you could use EVOO too)
3 TBSP Lemon juice (you could also use lime)

I put it in that mason jar, and shook it a few times and it turned into a paste. 

I figured this would if nothing else, at least get the dead skin off my legs.

OH BOY did I underestimate this stuff!! It felt SO GOOD going on my legs. Revitalizing for sure. 

It shaved off, in such a clean and smooth manner. I have honestly never had a closer shave in my span of shaving. (which has roughly been 20 years)

I recommend this to anyone. I was told though, the lemon will dissolve the sugar, so this is a make before you use sort of product.

Also, I used it on my arms, and body. Feet included! It felt lovely to have this, even if it wasn't used as a shave oil.

All the ingredients are in your kitchen, right on hand. 

*Tip* Wipe out shower when done, so the next person doesn't slip on the left over oil.


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