Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Helpful Homemaker Hint

Howdy homemakers!!! 

Today, I bring you a small, yet wonderful tip.

It is something that I never did/used for a long time. Then I decided when I got new baking sheets, I would give it a whirl, to try and prolong the blackening of my pans.

Have you guessed it??

Parchment paper!! 

This is a handy, simple, fairly cheap (especially with coupons!) little kitchen helper that I have found to be a lovely addition! 

Baking is easier, pans are cleaner, clean up is easier! 

This sounds like an all around win to me.

So, if you haven't ventured into the use of parchment paper, and are still using greases, sprays and lard for your baking needs....I say, Step on out into using parchment paper, and save yourself some hassle!!

Happy Homemaking!!

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